Our PTO is made up of hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year.We hope you will get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.
Our PTO Executive Committee
President - Bethany Hays
Vice President - Ashlee Hageman
Treasurer - Emily Gray
Treasurer-Elect - George Wheeler
Secretary - Kate Kennedy
Our PTO Committee Chairs
Events Committee Chairs - Jennifer Hamilton & Audrey Williams
Fundraising Committee Chairs - Jennifer Ramsey & Jessie Searfoss
Merchandise Committee Chair - Laura Grant
Teacher Appreciation Committee Chair - Jaclyn Hale & Lori Debak
Communications Committee Chairs - Sara Kavanaugh & Meghan Majors
Room Parent Coordinator Chairs - Heather Thompson & Lindsey Anderson
Welcoming Committee Chairs - Kelsey Hamrick & Stacy Lontoc
PTO Financial Support - Laura Ellis
Teacher Coordinator Chair - Melissa Miller